Tres Chic Style Tip of the Day....

1. Always shop at for the latest trends, designer apparel and accessories.
2. Leave the kids at home..... Shopping should be your personal alone time . When your at the clearance rack holding a Marc Jacobs Trench Coat marked 60%off, the last thing you need to hear is "Mommy Can We Go Now".
3. Buy what you like when you see it! You can always hold onto it for that special occasion. If you have to think twice about it...Leave It There!
4. Tear out magazine pages for inspiration and visit Tres Chic Style to locate difficult-to-find items.
5. For more attention from salespeople, shop stores on weekdays just after the doors open (if at all possible). Normally they are eager and willing to assist you.
6. Bulk up on your wardrobe in January and July, when merchandise gets marked down.
7. Shop in an outfit that communicates your style. When you walk into a boutique, the salesperson will immediately get an idea of your taste. (as a boutique owner, this is important)
8. Forgo the dressing room (depending on the store's return policy), try clothes at home. You're more relaxed and can see how they blend with what you already have.
9. Hesitate to buy clothes that need tailoring—"who has an extra five minutes?"
10. Empty your purse at the end of the day. File the receipts immediately so you can always locate them if needed.