Bad Shoes & The Women Who Love Them Review...

On the heels of  the Sex And The City 2 Premiere, fashionistas are buzzing around town in the season's hautest stilettos dismissing the minor aches & pains associated with the wondrous beauties. 

Bad Shoes & the Women Who Love Them is a lighthearted wake-up call to women to make informed decisions when buying and wearing fashionable shoes. Arming the reader with essential facts, citing medical literature as well as leading podiatric surgeons and orthopedists, Tanenbaum covers the history of high heels, Chinese foot binding, the controversy over cosmetic surgery of the foot, and what Freud had to say about women's shoes and sex.
Illustrated by artist Vanessa Davis throughout, Bad Shoes & the Women Who Love Themalso includes hilarious anecdotes from women who love shoes. And yes—it is possible to make smart footwear decisions without sacrificing style! Tanenbaum shows you how.....
About The Author: Lenora Tannenbaum is a fabulous author/blogger whose appeared on Oprah and The Today Show to name a few. Lenora's other books include: Catfight: Rivalries Among Women: From Diets to Dating, From the Boardroom to the Delivery Room, about the ways in which women often try to sabotage one another, and Slut! Growing Up Female With a Bad Reputation, about girls labeled "sluts" by their peers. 

Two lucky fashionistas will have the chance to win their own copy....

The Rules: The contest starts Friday May 21, 2010 and ends Monday May 24, 2010
Email us ( a photo of your favorite show. Stilettos, flats, high-low end, we want to see them all!
Be sure to include your name and contact information
Emails must be forwarded to the Tres Chic Style email account no later than, Monday May 24, 2010 12 midnight (EST)

*Two winners will be selected at random and notified by email.

Good Luck!


Tiffany said…
My sister has been wearing heels for so long she can't wear tennis shoes. She says that they bother her feet.

Peace, Love and Chocolate