In Chic News: Black Swan Review

Synopsis: Black Swan is set in New York City around a famed ballet company at the legendary Lincoln Center.

Natalie Portman portrays the role of Nina in a stellar screen performance. Amidst a few challenges Nina is chosen for the coveted White Swan who also morphes into the dark surreal Black Swan towards the end of her performance.

In addition to her life-long passion for ballet, Nina shares an Upper West Side apartment with her obsessive and controlling mother, played by Barbara Hershey. Her mom had her own dreams in the ballet, but haulted them to become a mother at the age of 28.

Hershey isn't her only obstacle in the film. Lilly becomes Nina's darkest nightmare in the film as she goes to any length to steal Nina's part... Or at least that's the way it seems.

For nearly two hours the audience is captivated by the brilliance of Swan Lake. We see Portman transform from a shy and fragile ballerina into a dark microcosm of herself.

Definitely a must-see film for the new year and truly a well deserved Oscar contender!

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